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PICT1834 hickory nc 2009-07-18176 views07/26/09 at 16:32coty: Mitchell Lingerfelt-North Brook Antique Tractor Pu...

PICT1835 hickory nc 2009-07-18165 views07/26/09 at 16:32coty: Bubba Bailes-North Brook Antique Tractor Pull

PICT1841 hickory nc 2009-07-18185 views07/26/09 at 16:32coty: Matt Parker-North Brook Antique Tractor Pull

PICT1859 hickory nc 2009-07-18171 views07/26/09 at 16:31coty: Bubba Bailes-North Brook Antique Tractor Pull

PICT1883 hickory nc 2009-07-18347 views07/26/09 at 16:30coty: (left to right) Ken Lingerfelt, Josh Scronce, Doug...

PICT1915 hickory nc 2009-07-18155 views07/26/09 at 16:19coty: Josh Scronce-North Brook Antique Tractor Pull

PICT1916 hickory nc 2009-07-18136 views07/26/09 at 16:18coty: Kevin Franklin-North Brook Antique Tractor Pull

PICT1921 hickory nc 2009-07-18132 views07/26/09 at 16:18coty: Doug Carrigan-North Brook Antique Tractor Pull

PICT1924 hickory nc 2009-07-18139 views07/26/09 at 16:17coty: Kevin Franklin and Lee Franklin- North Brook Antiq...

PICT1930 hickory nc 2009-07-18161 views07/26/09 at 16:16coty: Casey Gantt-North Brook Antique Tractor Pull

PICT1937 hickory nc 2009-07-18135 views07/26/09 at 16:16coty: Barbara-North Brook Antique Tractor Pull

PICT1940 hickory nc 2009-07-18128 views07/26/09 at 16:15coty: Brent Henely-North Brook Antique Tractor Pull

PICT1943 hickory nc 2009-07-18131 views07/26/09 at 16:14coty: Lee Franklin-North Brook Antique Tractor Pull

PICT1952 hickory nc 2009-07-18127 views07/26/09 at 16:14coty: Lee Franklin-North Brook Antique Tractor Pull

PICT1960 hickory nc 2009-07-18129 views07/26/09 at 16:14coty: Noah Mull-North Brook Antique Tractor Pull